User talk:Misortie/Archive 3

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Are you aware that Christ taught the Ten Commandments, which prohibit theft; and copyright violations are a form of theft? Don't engage in personal attacks. Nyttend (talk) 20:45, 2 September 2009 (UTC)

Very well; but I do, so I will enforce prohibitions of copyright violations. For a second time — don't engage in personal attacks, for my political and religious views are no reason for any other editor to deride me. Nyttend (talk) 20:52, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
Are you aware that Wikipedia policy prohibits personal attacks, such as calling individuals "backward"? If you continue, you will be blocked from editing Wikipedia. Nyttend (talk) 20:54, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
I archive every three months; it will have to wait four more weeks. Nyttend (talk) 21:05, 2 September 2009 (UTC)

RE:Are you fasting right now?

Yeah I'm fasting, though admittedly many adherents of Ismailism don't partake in Ramadhan's fast. On a personal note, there is a refusal to stop being physically active so it's a bit more difficult than my previous Ramadhans, but it's not so bad. Now be careful with leaving Islamic messages on the anniversary of September 11th. --Afghana [talk] 10:02, 12 September 2009 (UTC)

Aye, it was a joke though. I could never live in the UK due to the fact that games often aren't ever released and if they are it's like a year late, though I've noticed the last few years has been different in that regard, I think since the start of this generation of gaming. Anywho, adherents of Nizari Ismailism such as myself recite a du'a three times a day which isn't technically the same as the salat/namaz of other Muslims. Most Shi'a, who are Twelver, have five prayers which are condensed to three times a day; in the morning the first (Fajr) prayer, starting at noon the second (Dhuhr) and third (Asr) prayers, and starting at sunset the fourth (Maghrib) and fifth (Isha) prayers. Sunni Muslims pray the aforementioned five all at separate times, with the third being restricted into the afternoon and the fifth into the night. --Afghana [talk] 10:40, 12 September 2009 (UTC)
I'm a health nut; I eat meat basically for its protein, which pork doesn't have much of compared to things like fish which I generally have to eat anyway when I'm outside of my home due to the fact it doesn't need ritual blessing like other forms of meat. I have mostly whole wheat grains in my diet, and much of the fat in my diet at the moment comes from milk. I generally respond to sugar cravings with fruits, which somehow works pretty well with things like bananas and mangoes. --Afghana [talk] 10:59, 12 September 2009 (UTC)
I am a Pashtun editor in WP:Afghanistan and a Shi'ite editor in WP:Islam. As one might expect, I am not going to win any popularity contests anytime soon. I can't even recall how many times my page was vandalized before being permanently protected. --Afghana [talk] 04:11, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
While as an Ismaili I obviously don't buy into hadith literature, almost all the hadith in Sunni Islam (the ones floating around on the Internet) are easily explainable. If you want to quote to me certain hadith I could also attempt to provide explanation. Like, the issue of pedophilia is moot considering a pedophile wouldn't wait for a girl to hit puberty in order to consummate a marriage with her, adding to the fact that females hit puberty at earlier ages in this context due to shorter lifespan and a warmer climate. That's not even going into the fact that the definition of pedophilia is very cultural, which is an easily identifiable phenomena even in our Western societies. Cultural relativism is not something to just keep in mind when discussing religion, but discussing absolutely anything. --Afghana [talk] 11:01, 14 September 2009 (UTC)
Having a six/nine/twelve/sixteen/whatever depending on your source girl make a decision of what form of marriage? A marriage as understood in Western civilization, a marriage as understood in Arabia? Especially considering the latter has allowed divorce for the wife in hand, including a wife of Muhammad as per the Qur'an. There are many ways to attack the argument due to the fact it's mainly based off of a "I feel..." rather than an substantial concrete scientific notion. There are many factors of biology and such going into this as well.
In the end, I've been where you've been. I am a Muslim woman living in a post-9-11 world. Rejecting Islam has had much to offer me, from money, to fame, to hell, even tons of sex with gorgeous people; women have their drive too y'know. There have been low points in my life where I've really really wanted to reject Islam. But I kept that Qur'an on my desk, and I opened it, and I was unable to refute it and its timeless message about the damages of polytheism: worshiping other than the unchanging principle, worshiping wealth or power or sexual desires. From the Hindu Baghavad Gita to the Karl Marx's Das Kapital, no book answered the issues of past civilization and contemporary civilization in the same way, pointing out the same unchanging flaws.
If the issue was clearcut, methinks you wouldn't think so much about it as you do now. Not many pedophiles, rapists, murderers, looters, and warlords strike as much internal spiritual questioning as this one has, hrm? --Afghana [talk] 08:23, 16 September 2009 (UTC)
If I wasn't religious, those things would be much easier to get, and in often cases in excessive amounts. I'm not saying all irreligious individuals live like that; I am however saying that a complete rejection of Islam and its tenants does entail an immoral life. Most people in today's world follow Islamic tenants to extents. But they fall short of being actual Muslims, those who submit themselves to God. Instead we worship things like wealth (often if slightly disdain life without it), social status (disdain the poorest class often the immigrants), body figure (disdain the overweight), entertainment (disdain the boring), and intelligence (disdain those who do not think in levels we see as advanced, unless society gives them an excuse such as Down syndrome). In an ocean of confusion, is it really difficult to see humankind's more noble purpose? Is it wrong to state that in contrast to ascetic faiths such as Christianity and Buddhism, that man has been imbued with a noble purpose that entails holiness in everyday life free of slavery to other gods? Indeed in Islam there is no separation of deen and dunya: to approach holy silence one must live in the world and among its people, contributing to civilization. There is no priesthood in our faith: every good Muslim is given the duty to spread peace and happiness throughout the world through divine servitude, in an endless search of knowledge. I gave those examples because, even though for example I do honest entrepreneurial work in order to become wealthy, and I do seek marriage in order to consummate emotional and sexual desire, those are not things I worship and those are not my end purpose. I will not live for my career, for my spouse, or for my children. I will and must always live for a higher, more beautiful purpose. "Whosoever takes my name, I fulfill their tasks." --Afghana [talk] 10:18, 16 September 2009 (UTC)
My understanding of our faith is as such: the shahadah has three portions. The first is the declaration of one God, of a single unlimited truth; to me this firmly denies moral relativity and other false ideologies. The second is the declaration of Sayed Muhammad's prophethood, that there is an approachable path to the truth; in my opinion this refutes the objection by certain philosophers regarding understandings of divinity to be based on faith. The final portion which Shi'a Muslims recognize is the declaration of Ali's guardianship of the faith, that the path will forever be guarded by Sayed Muhammad's family: Ahl al-Bayt. In Ismailism, we believe that one can approach truth outside of what is termed Islam due to the unseen guidance of the Ahl al-Bayt, so I have no issue with non-Muslims or with you. In the end it all depends on what degree of truth we seek. Some are content with secular humanism, others see it as incapable of answering the greatest questions that have haunted creation for millions of years. There is nothing wrong with being a wonderful person and making those around you happy, and I encourage you to live like that. I am not here to proselytize Islam, nor do I see much of a need to. --Afghana [talk] 10:41, 16 September 2009 (UTC)
I think it's a sign that overly processed meat has ruined your motor skills. --Afghana [talk] 04:32, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
It's fine, my motor skills aren't that great either. Yes, I only eat halaal meat. --Afghana [talk] 05:20, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
If you were really stoned you'd be raving about nihilism, not Islam. --Afghana [talk] 17:40, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
For the most part, Ismailiyya attend Jamaat khana not mosques. --Afghana [talk] 18:32, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
Same thing if someone drew an offensive cartoon of me, really. It's lame but ehm, people will do what they want. --Afghana [talk] 20:35, 20 September 2009 (UTC)

Because I live in one of the most ethnically diverse areas of the world (Los Angeles Unified School District has to deal with ninety some languages) the issue of race has taken a peculiar turn where because tolerance is generally the expected norm we are more open with being jokingly racist and such. I have experienced a few episodes of serious racism (and admittedly others have experienced much worse), but in general, I was raised in a town with a large African-American population, where I had crush on Vietnamese-American students, where Latin-American students had crushes on me, and where almost all my close white friends were Mormon. Among men, many friendly discussions of race tend to dwell on size, and with women the actual aesthetics of the culture at hand. After beginning university and work life many of my friends increasingly became Native American and I had many more ethnically mixed friends. I'm not sure how common it is in the UK, but interracial marriage is increasingly common in California, due to the absurdly large amount of different groups of people and glorification of exotic cultures and sex. From my friends who do live in the UK though, I do know with some certainty that the racial issues seem significantly worse. For example, citizens of Pakistani and Indian descent actually fight each other and such, which is really bizarre considering in the US they abandon almost all idea of that and settle for a united identity as Desi. --Afghana [talk] 06:04, 21 September 2009 (UTC)

I have visited Mecca on the Umrah and plan to make the Hajj when I am older. --Afghana [talk] 17:02, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
That's partially because, once again, games not only come out late in Europe but are almost twice the price along with consoles. --Afghana [talk] 17:25, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
Considering that from my knowledge that's the game that helped lead to the destruction of Blizzard North by positing Warcraft as a valid RPG franchise like Diablo, I've boycotted it. I also don't like MMORPGs in general due to the fact they become like having a job, and unlike jobs you are paid for, this time you're the one shelling out the cash. --Afghana [talk] 17:31, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
I am into classic games too. I actually installed FreeDOS on a USB stick and customized it with all of my classic Wolfenstein, Doom, and Commander Keen games that I bought off Steam, and even got a web browser up and running, thank God. Fallout 3 is wonderful, I have it for PC. It makes perfect sense not to be able to travel quickly when you're overburdened: it'd be way too easy to abuse the system if it was the other way. The Diablo series is wonderful, the only class in Diablo II that would be boring to play as is the Amazon and partially the Barbarian. --Afghana [talk] 17:50, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
Heaven would be playing Final Fantasy VII without all the filler and random battles. --Afghana [talk] 10:20, 23 September 2009 (UTC)

What's your point?

You have a point for writing on my talk page? --THE FOUNDERS INTENT PRAISE 17:06, 14 September 2009 (UTC)

How do you call this uncivil, and where is your question? --THE FOUNDERS INTENT PRAISE 17:38, 14 September 2009 (UTC)

I believe this userbox is intended to be a spoof upon the notion that Americans don't speak English, nothing more. --THE FOUNDERS INTENT PRAISE 17:45, 14 September 2009 (UTC)
Not sure. --THE FOUNDERS INTENT PRAISE 17:58, 14 September 2009 (UTC)

Yeah it's an interesting portrait. He appears to look right at you. --THE FOUNDERS INTENT PRAISE 18:04, 14 September 2009 (UTC)


I really don't know; I've never used it. Nyttend (talk) 18:43, 22 September 2009 (UTC)

Please control yourself...

Edits like this one are unnecessary, however badly provoked you may feel. Ghmyrtle (talk) 19:22, 23 September 2009 (UTC)

Oh please, Do you really expect anyone to maintain a polite manner when some asswipe is deliberately antagonising you based on what country you come from? Oh I don't see you dropping this troll a comment about his behaviour? --Frank Fontaine (talk) 19:35, 23 September 2009 (UTC)
"...Do you really expect anyone to maintain a polite manner..." Yes. Do you want to be reported as well? Ghmyrtle (talk) 19:37, 23 September 2009 (UTC)
Please refer to my latter comment. I don't see you telling the IP that is behaviour was bad faith, non-NPOV and the fact he launched a personal attack on based on the country I live in. Now lets weigh that out compared to a few bits of bad language I have used? --Frank Fontaine (talk) 19:41, 23 September 2009 (UTC)
No harm done - thanks for giving it some thought. Ghmyrtle (talk) 21:37, 23 September 2009 (UTC)

"Please refrain from trolling and vandalising Wikipedia on a personal basis or you will be blocked. And on a personal note, the English are a race, and the so called "Cornish" are mostly just a bunch of angry Celtic Whannabes. I tried to be supportive of there movement and aims but all I got was a severe backlash just for being English. All I got was a bunch of arrogant pricks talking about how “Vastly” superior the “Cornish” are in just about everything. For your information, I am half Irish and I am a staunch supporter of Welsh/Scottish/English independence and the unification of Ireland, so don’t you dare accuse me of being Bias. (Or don't you know that Race can also constitute~Ethnicity?) Regards, Frank. --Frank Fontaine (talk) 18:26, 23 September 2009 (UTC)"

^ Surprise, surprise. I refer to my earlier posting regarding the "English superiority complex". Stop trolling Cornish Wikipedia articles and learn to differentiate between "their" and "there" in future. You may also want to read up on the definitions of Nationality, Ethnicity and Race, as they all seem to blend into one in your mind. So much for the "English race"!

Way to go on shooting yourself in the foot troll. I'm actually dyslexic, now whose the Ignorant one? My reversion of your edits to the Cornwall article was purely based on the original edit about "English superiority complex"-which is utter garbage as this article is mostly written by people who ARNET English. If you had just made the edit without that uncivil remark afterwards, I would not have reverted it. And please sign your posts. --Frank Fontaine (talk) 20:04, 24 September 2009 (UTC)