User:Zwiles95/Transgenerational stress inheritance/1947143432C Peer Review

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General info[edit]

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Transgenerational stress inheritance
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Transgenerational stress inheritance

Evaluate the drafted changes[edit]

Lead: The lead is well written and provides a good definition of transgenerational stress inheritance. Additionally, the lead does a good job outlining the sections that follow. For example, it mentions DNA methylation to promoter regions as a potential mechanism for stress inheritance. However, I would have liked to see the lead section outline the subsequent section in the order that they follow. For example I would talk about potential mechanisms of stress inheritance before mentioning the HPA axis.

Clear Structure: The article is written with a clear and ordered structure. The progression from definitions to mechanisms to studies is reasonable.

Balance: Looking at a few sources online, I found several that claimed transgenerational stress inheritance via epigenetic modifications was a controversial topic and one that was not generally accepted. It may be beneficial to provide some skepticism in the article in order to convey to readers that this is still a novel topic and one in which research is still beginning. This article outlines some of that doubt:

Neutral content: The article does a good job to avoid making claims from unnamed people. However, as described earlier, the article could benefit from providing content from the scientific community that doubts the transgenerational inheritance through epigenetic modifications. It might be beneficial to add a section titled "controversy" to outline some of the skepticism.

Reliable sources: The sources are of good quality, and the balance of sources throughout the article is satisfactory.

1947143432C (talk) 04:55, 20 February 2023 (UTC)