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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi! I’m Robby. I go by “TheDoctor38927”.

I love Cats and Technology and anything relating to that. If it’s a Feline, I love it and any tech. I also like basic pop music, basically anything that’s on the Billboard Hot 100. I love Hot cocoa and I haven’t had Water since June 19, 2018 (Yes, that’s something I’m proud of). I also have a weird Passion for Finance, and sometimes look at nonprofit tax records for fun.

I have ADHD and I’ve learned to live with it. Part of it is making me have hyper-fixations on things, like cats, or finances. It can lead to some places you wouldn’t want to be, like becoming addicted to annotating Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution tax records.

I’ve just begun to edit on Wikipedia, and this is my first page, so I’ll update this if I become an accomplished editor.

Favorite things: Cats, Tech, Cars, Photography, Orange Juice, Hot Cocoa, Chocolate, Chocolate Milk, Nutella, iMessage, Apple, Ferragamo, Coach, Fashion, Asexuality, Judaism, Science, Cooking, Reading, Books, Kindles, Hacking, and Money

Please accept LGBTQIA+ people into society

Please be nice to each other regardless of race, religion, creed, gender, sexuality, country of origin, economic status, education, abilities, and mental health.


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