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Highway & Vehicle Safety Report is an 8-page newsletter published twice-monthly by Stamler Publishing Co. in Branford, CT. The newsletter covers driver, vehicle, and road traffic safety information. It is an independently run publication that does not contain any advertising and is 100 percent subscriber supported without special interest funding.

The publication includes in-depth coverage of issues such as impaired driving, air bags, seat belt use, vehicle defect investigations and recalls, crash tests, safety standards and rulemaking, and technological developments such as electronic stability control.

Highway & Vehicle Safety Report covers several federal and state agencies as well as organizations and research centers including: U.S. Department of Transportation, Center for Auto Safety, Public Citizen, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, National Sleep Foundation, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, Texas Transportation Institute and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

External Links[edit]

Traffic Safety News Group - Official Site