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Viral phylodynamics
1947 New York City smallpox outbreak
1993 Four Corners hantavirus outbreak
2003 Midwest monkeypox outbreak
2006 H5N1 outbreak in India
2007 Yap Islands Zika virus outbreak
2008 H5N1 outbreak in West Bengal
2012 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak
Absolute risk reduction
Advanced case management
Age adjustment
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
Alameda County Study
American College of Epidemiology
Apparent infection rate
Area compatibility factor
Assortative mixing
Attack rate
Attributable risk
Attributable risk percent
Badger culling in the United Kingdom
Base rate
Basic reproduction number
Epidemiology of bed bugs
Biological plausibility
Boonah crisis
Bradford Hill criteria
1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak
Cancer cluster
Cancer survival rates
Carstairs index
Case definition
Case fatality rate
Case-control study
Cause of death
Clinical trial
Clinical trials unit
Cluster (epidemiology)
Coffin ship
Cohort effect
Graham Colditz
Collider (epidemiology)
Compartmental models in epidemiology
Complex segregation analysis
Complex systems biology
Computational epidemiology
Conflict epidemiology
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
Contact immunity
Contact tracing
Contingent contagionism
Control event rate
Correlates of immunity/correlates of protection
Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
Critical community size
Cross-sectional study
Cross-species transmission
Cumulative incidence
Cuzick–Edwards test
Denominator data
Density dependence
Deprivation index
Diagnostic odds ratio
Disease diffusion mapping
Disease surveillance
Diseases of affluence
Diseases of poverty
Distribute Surveillance System
Dry sex
Early Warning and Response System
Ecological study
Economic epidemiology
Endemic (epidemiology)
Environmental epidemiology
Epidemic Intelligence Service
Epidemic model
Epidemic models on lattices
List of epidemics
Epidemiological method
Epidemiological surveillance
Epidemiological transition
Epidemiology of attention deficit hyperactive disorder
Epidemiology of autism
Epidemiology of binge drinking
Epidemiology of breast cancer
Epidemiology of cancer
Epidemiology of domestic violence
Epidemiology of leprosy
Epidemiology of malnutrition
Epidemiology of motor vehicle collisions
Epidemiology of obesity
Epidemiology of periodontal diseases
Epidemiology of representations
Epidemiology of snakebites
Epidemiology of suicide
Epidemiology of syphilis
Epidemiology of tuberculosis
Eradication of infectious diseases
Essence (Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics)
European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training
Experimental event rate
Federal Biomedical Agency
Force of infection
Forest plot
Functional molecular infection epidemiology
Genetic epidemiology
Glasgow effect
Global microbial identifier
Global spread of H5N1
Global spread of H5N1 in 2004
Global spread of H5N1 in 2005
Global spread of H5N1 in 2006
Global spread of H5N1 in 2007
Gold standard (test)
Goose Guandong virus
H5N1 genetic structure
Hazard ratio
Health services research
Heart Protection Study
Hemagglutinin (influenza)
Herd immunity
HIV Cohorts Data Exchange Protocol
HIV Drug Resistance Database
Human mortality from H5N1
Hygiene hypothesis
Imaging biomarker
Incidence (epidemiology)
Incubation period
Index case
Indicator bacteria
Indices of deprivation 2004
Indices of deprivation 2007
Indices of deprivation 2010
Infection control
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1
Influenza A virus subtype H6N1
Influx of disease in the Caribbean
Intention-to-treat analysis
Intermittent preventive therapy
Internal consistency
International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases
International Epidemiological Association
International Medical Commission on Bhopal
International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood
Internet mediated research
Inverse probability weighting
Job-exposure matrix
Kermack–McKendrick theory
Koch's postulates
Lagging (epidemiology)
Landscape epidemiology
Late effect
Lead time bias
Length time bias
Life course approach
List of Aedes species
List of countries by HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate
List of disorders included in newborn screening programs
List of foodborne illness outbreaks
List of human disease case fatality rates
List of Legionnaires' disease outbreaks
List of mystery diseases
Longitudinal study
Managerial epidemiology
Mark and recapture
Mass drug administration
Mathematical modelling of infectious disease
McNeill's law
Mendelian randomization
Molecular epidemiology
Molecular Koch's postulates
Molecular pathological epidemiology
Mortality rate
Mosquito control
Mutual standardisation
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
National Outbreak Reporting System
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit
Natural experiment
Nested case-control study
Newborn screening
Next-generation matrix
Novel virus
NS1 influenza protein
Number needed to harm
Number needed to treat
Number needed to vaccinate
Nurses' Health Study
Nutritional epidemiology
Odds ratio
Epidemiology of herpes simplex
OIE/FAO Network of Expertise on Animal Influenza
Orphan virus
Outcomes research
Pandemic severity index
Perioperative mortality
Pesticide poisoning
Peto's paradox
Plague pit
Plant disease epidemiology
Epidemiology of pneumonia
Pontiac fever
Pool chlorine hypothesis
Population study
Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Preventive fraction
Propensity score matching
Protective factor
Provocation test
Public Population Project in Genomics
Quantitative parasitology
Race and health
Randomized controlled trial
Rare disease
Rare disease assumption
Rate ratio
Reed–Frost model
Regression (medicine)
Relative age effect
Relative index of inequality
Relative risk
Relative risk reduction
Relative survival
Reverse epidemiology
Risk factor
Rotterdam Study
Sanitary epidemiological reconnaissance
Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study
Epidemiology of schizophrenia
Self-report sexual risk behaviors
Serial interval
Sexual network
Social epidemiology
Spatial epidemiology
Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler
Spillover infection
Standardized mortality ratio
Statistical epidemiology
Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology
Stroke Belt
Subclinical infection
Surrogate endpoint
Susceptible individual
Prevalence of teenage pregnancy
Thousand Families Study, Newcastle upon Tyne
Threshold host density
Transmission (medicine)
Transmission and infection of H5N1
Transmission coefficient (epidemiology)
Transmission risks and rates
Transmission-based precautions
Transovarial transmission
Transstadial transmission
UK Biobank
UK statutory notification system
COSMOS cohort study
Underprivileged area score
Utstein Style
Vector (epidemiology)
Vector control
Verification bias
Vitreomacular adhesion
WAIFW matrix
Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Reporting System
Welsh Resource Allocation Formula
USS Whidbey (AG-141)
Warren Winkelstein
Ernst Wynder
Years of potential life lost
Young Epidemiology Scholars