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Kerne “Kernonnes” MacDonald Fahey, is an outgoing, charismatic geek who overmastered his social deficit some time past. He's a strong writer and orator, with pronounced syncretic beliefs, an assertively positive attitude, and a desire to help those he loves be happy and at peace. His motto, “It is okay to be you”, is a conscious reference to the principles of transactional analysis. He is namesake to the antlered Celtic god Cernunnos. Finding the conventional pronunciation "ker-NOON-oes" distasteful and the spelling by extension, he “re-transliterated” the name of his eponymic deity, arriving at his pseudonym.

He suffers from Bipolar I. His Bipolar was triggered by an ill-advised prescription for Paxil in January of 2011, but appears to be latent in his family. His Bipolar is well-managed, but he remains “micromanic”, his own coinage that distinguishes from the negative connotations of “hypomanic”.

He expresses interest in and commentary on statistics; programming, particularly python, MySQL, and functional programming; and Dungeons & Dragons, particularly 3rd Edition. In commenting on his life experiences, he tends to use extensive metaphors from these pastimes— especially D&D— implying a deep integration of these information systems with his perception of reality.

His Myers-Briggs Type Indicator appears to be INTP[1], but he himself deprecates Myers-Briggs Type Indication and instead profiles himself by the Big Five personality traits. A recent application of this test[2] suggested he can be classed as a SCUAI[3].

He is virtually shameless, by systematic application of scrupulous self-forgiveness.

These conclusions can be drawn from an examination of his web presence[4][5], q.v.