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The LifeLine Technique tm[edit]

What is the LifeLine Technique tm[edit]

The LifeLine Technique tm is a blend of ancient and modern healing practices. In one seamless technique, the LifeLine Technique tm incorporates elements of: Chinese Medicine; Neuro-Linguistic Programming; Ayurvedic Medicine; Eye Movement De-sensitization Re-programming; Total Body Modification; and other healing modalities.

The technique is presented in the form of a flowchart which guides the practitioner. The routing through the flowchart is achieved using the innate wisdom of the human Body, Mind, and Spirit connection through Applied Kinesiology, also known as 'muscle-testing'.

The treatment is based solely on the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who discovered that words, sounds and energy have an impact on the molecular structure of water. The international sign-language sign for "I Love You" combined with the spoken words "Infinite Love and Gratitude" is all that is required to harmonize the emotional imbalances which are speaking as symptoms.


The LifeLine Technique tm was created and developed by Dr. Darren R. Weissman of Chicago.

The Science Behind the LifeLine Technique tm[edit]

The LifeLine Technique tm builds on the foundational work of many leading edge scientists such as Dr. Candace B. Pert - author of 'Molecules of Emotion'; Dr. Masaru Emoto - author of 'The Messages from Water'; Dr. Bruce Lipton - author of 'The Biology of Belief'; and many others.

The Philosophy of the LifeLine Technique tm[edit]

'Symptoms' are the way our bodies communicate an imbalance - it is a language. Modern medicine approaches healing by working on the symptoms. The LifeLine Technique tm approaches healing by looking at what is at the root of the symptom. What we now know is that at the root of every symptom is a disconnection at a subconscious level from some emotional experience - for safety or survival reasons.

Where you can find out more about The LifeLine Technique tm[edit]

The Infinite Love And Gratitude website...[1]