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Epigenetics of schizophrenia Article Summary/Modifications

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This article delves into epigenetics and schizophrenia as separate entities as well as the combination of the two. While this field and article has a lot of potential, there's a lot of room for improvement. Generally, the voice of the article could be improved, as it feels a bit mixed between casual and formal. Reading it feels more like reading a student's paper as opposed to a Wikipedia article. Because Wikipedia stresses the objectivity of the articles that are published, I think refining the text with subtle alterations would do a lot to make the text feel more consistent and reliable. Additionally, the structure needs a bit more work. Since this article is on the epigenetics of schizophrenia, I believe that this section should be more detailed and elaborate. The information present is a great starting point and is consistent with information found in the reviews I will be using to elaborate upon this article; however, it could use more elaboration upon the underlying mechanisms of said epigenetic modifications, for example. I also noticed that some of their sources used to support their claims are papers on individual research projects. I hope to sift through the article and remove/replace these sections, for they are not yet supported enough to be involved in a wiki article. Many of the sources used have also not been within the last decade. Although this doesn't necessarily propose a huge problem, I hope to update the article with more recent research. If contradictory points are to be made, I will make note of previous assumptions and how current research now disproves those findings.

This will be fine and is a worthwhile project. But if editing preexisting articles you were supposed to propose a two articles to edit. This is to be sure to generate a sizable pool of articles that people can choose from and also because one choice is often far better than the other.

The review articles that you have chosen are fine. You should now try to add some detail about what will be changed. Start adding specific items and reference them to a review article. Now you need lots of details. The prose does not need to be perfect yet but detailed ideas should start appearing. -- Dr. Atkinson