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Shantanu Gontia is a 21 year old boy staying in Jabalpur, India. He has got a lot of interest in video gaming, computers, programming, etc. His favorite Video Game yet is Devil May Cry 4 by Capcom . As his programming knowledge he knows BASIC, HTML, CSS, Ruby, C, C++, PHP, VB6, J2SE, Javascript VB.NET. Even though he uses Windows Platform OS, but his dream is with the Linux Platform. He would like to be an OpenSource Developer. Yet, Programs he has made are -

A Ping Pong Game, A Tic-Tac-Toe Game, A Post Card Maker, Google Search!, Keylogger, Anti-Keylogger, System Properties Viewer, Task Viewman, A Program to keep the System Busy and much more blah! blah! blah!

Also, he is an expert player of the game Devil May Cry 3 as per Dec 2009, he feels himself to be a part of the game, and enjoys every single moment of the game.

Currently shantanu is working on Map Navigation Software. This is a GIS application based on JAVA. He is doing training in BISAG Gandhinagar. His teammates are Nirav Jain and Hardik Lakhani. The team is working well and the project will be ready in april this year.