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Multi Dimensionality[edit]

Is the interpretation of dimensionality dealing with the metaphysical, spiritual, and physical. Though a common feature in mathematics, multi dimensional concepts exist and are used outside its rigid structure of math archetypes and usage. This includes ideas ranging from form and function to abstract place and conscious state. To see more on the mathematical use of dimension go to the wiki page entitled dimension.


Multi comes from the latin combination form of the Latin word multus meaning "much, many," and from PIE base *mel- "strong, great, numerous" [1] Dimension comes from the late Middle English dimensioun (< Anglo-French ) < Latin dīmēnsiōn- (stem of dīmēnsiō ) a measuring, equivalent to dīmēns ( us ) measured out (past participle of dīmētīrī, equivalent to dī- di-2 + mētīrī to measure) + -iōn- -ion. Dimensional- a magnitude that, independently or in conjunction with other such magnitudes, serves to define the location of an element within a given set, as of a point on a line, an object in a space, or an event in space-time. The term dimensional also applies to math it the context of the generalization of this property to fractals, which can have dimensions that are non-integer real numbers.[2]

Multi Dimensional:types of Multi Dimensionality[edit]


The study of metaphysics revolves primarily upon the concepts and understanding of the most basic principles and components that compose Reality including space, time, and being. Metaphysics is defined as the underlying theoretical principles of a subject or field of inquiry [3] Physics deals mainly on the topics of the tangible and universally applicable forces felt and experienced by everyone. The idea of metaphysics focuses on those concepts that deal with the intangible and untestable concepts of reality to its root source or cause. Understanding our true nature of reality and existence has been a topic of interest stretching back to the formation of the Vedas from India. The view that the world is multi dimensional, rather than linear, can be found in many peoples original thought system and world view such as the Native American Iroquois. The Idea of multi dimensionality also plays a role in defining and understanding the mythology and spirituality of the Iroquois.[4] In Eastern thought and beliefs, this concept of the circular and multi dimensional presence can be observed. According to Lama Anagarika Govinda, the Teachings of Indian thought and tradition can point to multi dimensional logic that views thinking in the sense of circling around an object of contemplation rather than going from one specified point of observation to another ambiguous point of interest in thought or contemplation.[5] That is, the assumption of knowing all of one's surroundings is the same as proving you know nothings but the current thought or paradigm being practiced.


The idea of multidimensional travels to realms of reality that are not normally perceived or experienced by individuals on a normal everyday basis. This includes sensations similar to lucid dreaming and deja vu, but with the idea of actually being able transverse the current natural realm to enter a supernatural one in real time.

Extra Dimensional Beings[edit]

A multidimensional being is an entity able to transverse different dimensions, or realms of reality, at will or with the help of outside forces and agents. This term is not an official explanation, but rather attempt, to explain the phenomenon that is believed by many to be aliens that have come from other worlds. The idea behind an extra dimensional being is best expressed by the interpretation of an entity coming from other plane of existence rather than that of physical planets separated by light years of distance. The realm of space and distance does not apply when talking in terms of dimensional space. For instance, something can simultaneously be in two different places in dimensional space while being in one place in space-time. Many different theories and approaches are used to explain and depict this phenomena, based on its limited experience factors.

Extra Dimensional Beings in the Media[edit]

The band Tool produced a song off the album Lateralus entitled "Faaip de Oiad" that means the voice of God in the Enochian language. In the song there is a sample of a recording of a 1997 call on Art Bell's radio program Coast to Coast AM from a frantic ex-area 51 worker who was recently discharged.[6] The caller claims that he had information regarding the true nature and inner workings of the U.S. military. His claims included the takeover of some of the highest positions of the military by what he termed as "extra dimensional beings". During the interview he states that these extra dimensional beings have intentions that are unclear. During the phone interview the transmission suddenly cuts out and according to Art the first time it has ever cut out of a phone conversation during an interview on his show. In the book "Breaking Open the Head"- a Psychedelic Journey into the heart of contemporary Shamanism by Daniel Pinchbeck, a brief statement is mentioned pertaining to extra dimensional beings. In his book, Daniel discuses his friends experiences with the psychedelic Amanita muscaria known as fly Agaric mushrooms. according to Pinchbeck, his friend Robert believes that the fly agrics belong to some "other dimensional civilization" that humans do not normally encounter. That these other dimensional beings, that happen to show themselves in the form of mushrooms, were visitors from another world that are making their own journey across the cosmos.[7]

Multi Dimensional Beings and Pop Culture[edit]

The actual occurrence of the phrase "extra dimensional" or "multi Dimensional" being is extremely rare in popular literature or media. However, there is a rich debate and several instances that the terms are used and discussed on the world wide web. Many of these websites and sources prove to lack legitimacy and are therefor often overlooked or deemed as unreliable resources for the topic to be taken seriously. The claims and interpretations of what a multi dimensional being actually is, or means, are often varied while maintaining certain themes or concepts imbedded within them.

  1. ^ article Dictionary.com2012,Online Etymology Dictionary, Apr 15th 2012
  2. ^ article Dictionary.com2012 , Unabridged, Apr,15, 2012,
  3. ^ metaphysics'. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from website:'.
  4. ^ Foster, Michael K. "The Layered Cosmos." From the Earth to beyond the Sky: An Ethnographic Approach to Four Longhouse Iroquois Speech Events. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1974. 103-05. EHRAF. Web. 17 Apr. 2012
  5. ^ Govinda, Anagarika Brahmacari. Creative Meditation and Multi-dimensional Consciousness. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Pub. House, 1976. Print
  6. ^ "Faaip De Oiad." Songfacts. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.
  7. ^ Pinchbeck, Daniel. "Ch.30 Why Did You Eat Us?" Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. New York: Broadway, 2002. 219-22. Print