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Vibraimage is a method for measuring object micromovements and vibrations by video processing. Human vibraimage or vibraimaging refers to biomedical informatics and combines features of medical imaging like MRI, ultrasound imaging, thermography and contact technologies like EEG, ECG and GSR. Human head vibraimage is based on vestibular system physiology and 3D head movement analysis for psychophysiological detection.


The direct link between reflex movement and brain activity was discovered and scientifically proven in 1863 by the Russian physiologist Ivan Sechenov in his publication “Reflexes of the Brain”. Charles Darwin in his book “The expression of the emotions in man and animals”,1872, also declared that reflex movements were associated with emotions. Sigmund Freud methods and ideas remain important in clinical psychodynamic approaches, he declared that “a person has not random movements, every movement is determined by the brain or physiology”.

Nobel laureate and researcher of aggression Konrad Lorenz claims, that the amplitude and intensity of reflex movements characterized the aggression. (On Aggression, 1966). Emilio Mira y López is considered to be the most outstanding psychiatrist and psychologist of the Spanish speaking world in the 20th century. The test was named by its author as Myokinetic Psychodiagnostic and known commonly as PMK or Mira's test. He was the first scientist who suggested that the practical psychodiagnostic method is based on a movement value calculation. PMK looks like a vibraimage prototype in the middle of XX century, without webcams and computers.

Instead of the above mentioned scientists, only partly concentrated on movement research, Russian neurophysiologist Nikolai Bernstein spent most of his life dedicated to the physiology of movement. He also coined the term biomechanics, the study of movement through the application of mechanical principles. The principles of biological feedback and discrete movement discovered by Bernstein, form one of the vibraimaging bases and his calculation of human movement time discrete about 0.1 sec were proven by vibraimage.

Based on existing science and physiological principles, biometric company Elsys Corp. (S. Petersburg, Russia) developed the vibraimage technology (2000) firstly oriented to security applications. Elsys received two grants (2005, 2007 years) from Federal Russian Agency of Science and Innovations (FASI) for application of vibraimage technology to airport security and now Vibraimage systems are working in several airports for suspected passenger control. Other vibraimage applications such as medical, eHealth, psychology and behavior testing, lie detection, emotion control, self-regulation, fitness, animals research, are also provided by the different types of vibraimage system. Telefonica (Spain) demonstrated mobile phones vibraimage applications on the World Mobile Congress 2010.


Vibraimage is a video-image processing technology, transforming standard video images by frame difference accumulation into movement-value visualization for every pixel. Biomechanics look on human head micromovements as well as on complicated vibration processes and vibraimaging calculates the amplitude and frequency of the object vibration in every pixel of a camera for the selected accumulation time. The external vibraimage around a human head produced a math convolution of amplitude and frequency vibraimages and looks like the aura of person. This method requests standard low-noise video-cameras for video capturing and a personal computer for Vibraimage software.

Vibraimage is characterized by the object vibration energyand by the line of parameters, histograms and graphs. The dependence between head vibration parameters and emotional state is called [vestibulo-emotional reflex] (VER) or vestibulo-energy reflex used for correlation between mechanical parameters of movement and psycophysiological characteristics of human state and emotions. the human head micromovement for vertical balance coordination (VER) is a physiological treflex process like heart rate or respiration, so it could also be used for psycophysiological detection. As other methods of human psycophysiological detection, the vibraimage method has some opponents reproaching it as mind controla method which disturbs human rights from one side and a pseudoscience procedure from the other. Practically every mentioned scientist like Charles Darvin and Ivan Sechenov were persecuted by the Church for materialism and ideas about characterized human emotions and minds through physical movements.

Amplitude vibraimage, external vibraimage, real video image and time dependence of vibraimage parameters, lie detection, emotions calculation, etc during investigation

See also[edit]


  • Minkin, Viktor (2007). Vibraimage (Russian language). S.Petersburg, Russia: Renome.