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Toxic Hotspots[edit]

Toxic hotspots are locations where emissions from specific sources such as water or air pollution may expose local populations to elevated health risks, such as cancer. [1] These emissions contribute to cumulative health risks of emissions from other sources nearby. Urban, highly populated areas around pollutant emitters such as old factories and waste storage sites are often toxic hotspots.

Soil Contamination Hotspots[edit]

The 1984 Bhopal disaster in India, the world’s worst chemical disaster, is a prime example of a significant toxic hotspot. The toxic gas leaked from the understaffed Union Carbide plant killed up to 20,000 people and left 120,000 others chronically ill. [2] Bhopal continues to face pollution problems from the abandoned factory today.

Air Pollution Hotspots[edit]

[1] http://www.arb.ca.gov/html/gloss.htm#hot