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Reader feedback (13 January 2007)[edit]

It is most interesting to note that the legendary psychiatrist, Dr. Hervey M. Cleckley, in his very famous book on psychopathy, The Mask of Sanity (pages 327-336), which is available in PDF form at http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/sanity_1.PdF , wrote that Alcibiades is an excellent example of a psychopath. In fact, Cleckley's interest in psychopathy may have been inspired while in high school by his curiosity of the perplexing nature of Alcibiades' personality (p327). Psychopathy is a widespread mental disorder which causes those afflicted to fail to have (or develop) a conscience. Lying, being manipulative and having a callous disregard for the welfare and feelings of others are classic symptoms. There is growing evidence that the cause of psychopathy is genetic and that the problem is increasing. See for example the works of Dr. Robert Hare, especially Without Conscience. There is renewed interest in the importance of this disorder as many modern day world leaders are exhibiting these same symptoms. Sadly, like Alcibiades, these people are leading their countries and world to disaster and ruin as a result.